There are many times when you want to pick a specific color of any image, application, or anything that is on your screen, and use that color for designing a new graphic, or change the color of an image, etc. But is not always easy to get the exact color info, therefore, you need a tool to pick that color, and that's exactly what The Color Picker does, in a simple and easy way.
This small program will let you pick any color from your screen. All you have to do is make a click on the dropper icon, and automatically, no matter where your mouse pointer is placed, a specific color will appear on a tiny window. And every time you make a left-click, the selected color will be saved on the color palette of the program.
Besides, any color saved on the color palette can be easily modified by moving the controls on the RGB selector, or just typing the number on each one of them. Once you have got the exact color you wanted, you can copy the RGB or the HEX info to the clipboard and use it on any application.
One nice feature is that the color palette is a grid with one hundred cells, therefore, you can save many colors to use on your projects.